National Consumers Benefits Association


Access to Virtual Therapy

Comprehensive therapy and counseling from Recuro’s Clinical Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists. Your therapist will work with you to reach your emotional wellness goals, developing a personalized plan and tracking progress over time.

Conditions Treated Include:

• ADHD / ADD • Stress
• Anger Management • Eating Disorders
• Anxiety • Grief & Loss
• Bipolar Disorder • PTSD
• Sleeping Disorders • OCD
• Smoking Addiction • Substance Abuse
• Depression • And More

Product Details

  • Psychiatry - Psychiatry and behavioral health medication management.
  • Integrated Prescriptions - Prescriptions are immediately sent to the patient’s preferred pharmacy for easy pickup.
  • PGx Testing - Pharmacogenetic testing to personalize the right medication and dosage for each patient, based on their genes.
  • Health Risk Assessment - Behavioral health-focused risk assessment including depression and anxiety
  • Therapy and Counseling - Therapy and counseling services from social workers and psychologists.
  • Risk Stratification - Analytics to identify those most as risk of behavioral health challenges to proactively engage and treat.
  • Integrated Lab Testing - Post-visit lab testing where needed, integrated within the Recuro platform.
  • Primary Care Coordination - Primary care and behavioral health can be integrated to provide holistic patient care.

Disclaimer: These Services are for non-emergency conditions only. Telehealth does not replace the primary care doctor, services are not considered insurance or a Qualified Health Plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Telehealth doctors do not prescribe DEA controlled substances (schedule I-IV) and do not guarantee that a prescription will be written. Available nationwide where allowable by law. For updated full disclosures, please contact your Program Administrator.